embodied break I, 2014

Grout, pigments, metal, eight horses, dimension variable

embodied break I is comprised of fragments of a grazing horse that have been cast from the parts of a real horse.
The title embodied break I references a mental break where a connection between the past and what remains of it is considered, but also a break in the sense of breakdown.
From a distance, the white horse parts appear like a field of coordinates. They reference how land, soil and nature is developed and transformed by mankind. Similarly, they represent unavoidable fragments that arise as a result of mental processes that can either be accorded further thought or not.
Our environment is shaped by agricultural mass production, however, almost no livestock is visible on our abundant meadows.
It seems as if they are recharging or simply disappearing altogether.


Installation view: Künstlerdorf Schöppingen Foundation and Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster