reward I & reward II, 2024
reward I: EPDM granulate (blue), roebuck antlers, glow-in-the-dark paint, wood, Ø 30cm and with metal stand 21 cm height
reward II: EPDM granulate (apricot), roebuck antlers, glow-in-the-dark paint, wood, Ø 30cm and with metal stand 27.5 cm height
#colorsofthepandemic #fakeadderallapricot #HEXFFC19B #addforall #adderallshortage2020 #streetadderall #capitalism #productivitydrug #uppers #productivity #hyper-productivity #speedepidemics #gatewaydrug #pharmagiants #culturehookedonspeed #milligramformilligram #richmansmeth #poormansadderall #huntersandcollectors #trophyrisks #insomnia #anxiety #addiction #focus #247 #nightandday #peachfuzz #coloroftheyear2024 #growuponritalingraduatetoadderall #restinsundial
Photos: Selma Gültoprak
Installation view: Petershof, Group Show – porous repair
Curators: Mira Siering, Jonas Habrich