Why did`t you stop me? no. 21 (90), 2021/23
Medium-soft, transparent, rubbery plastic cast with 90 shredded clocks and watches of different generations hanging in a used snow chain with rally way marker from a desert, 63.8 x 100 x 7.5 cm
A tiny portion of 90 mechanically machine-shredded clocks and watches has been layered into clear and rubbery-like plastic. The material fades from a milky tone to crystal clear plastic. Collected watches of different places, generations and materials (ceramics, wood, metal, brass, cardboard, plastic, fabric, leather, etc.) were shredded into shreds and pieces of different sizes in a factory. The shredded watch material forms the individual layers and stories in the cast.
The violent and fast act of mechanically shreding is being transformed into a colorful and cheerful new object. The work adresses the time and at the same time it`s asking „Why didn`t you stop me?“. It can be a relief when you stop the narrative for a minute or even for longer. And yet, it is not clear, if it is a bad place for a good time, or a good place in a bad time.
Photo: Mareike Tocha, Alte Tankstelle Deutz, Selma Gültoprak
Installation view: Alte Tankstelle Deutz , Groupshow “Eine Tankfüllung entfernt..” curated by Dragutin Banic